Now enrolling for February 2024!

Now enrolling for February 2024!


The transformational journey to  healing from within, loving your body again, and creating a soul-led life.

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The confidence, freedom, and self acceptance you have been dreaming of is no longer just a dream.

You get to make it your new reality.


 Imagine this reality:

  • Waking up every morning beaming with excitement to start your day because you have created your dream reality.

  • Walking into a room no longer fearing what others may think- feeling so confident in yourself and in your self expression.

  • Dancing in a room full of strangers without thinking about what others are thinking and feeling safe in the way your soul expresses through your body 
  • Feeling in tune with your body for the way it wants to move, what it wants to eat, and your intuition being SO clear in the decisions you need to make in life.

  • Looking in the mirror and feeling turned on with what you see.

  • Holding yourself through the hard seasons of life with love and compassion, knowing with every bit of your soul that life is working FOR you and teaching you lessons necessary for your purpose.

  • Being connected to your hormonal cycles and knowing exactly how to powerfully navigate the seasons your body goes through every month.

  • Having the most amazing partner and friends by your side who truly love you, value you, and push you to be the best version of you!
  • Feeling connected to your sensuality and sexual expression.
  • Living a life that feels in absolute alignment with your soul.

 The mirror was my biggest enemy...  


After years of dealing with hormonal issues and weight gain from suppressed trauma, I was shadowed by self-doubt and insecurity. I spent years battling critical thoughts about myself and my own body. I would spend time looking in the mirror and picking apart the rolls and cellulite that seemed to have appeared out of nowhere.

I wrote journals upon journal entries about my body and how I wished it looked different-- hyper fixated on changing my physical appearance and the way it looked.

I couldn't shake the feeling that everyone was judging me everywhere I went. Social situations brought anxiety, that I would numb away with drinking, followed by hangovers that left me feeling emptier than the day before...

Emotional eating became another coping mechanism which also gave me a temporary high and I found myself back to feeling empty inside.

I was stuck in constant negative mental loops and self destructive cycles that I kept finding myself in, and I couldn't break free. 

I searched for a way out of the emptiness I felt within, trying self-help books, podcasts, and courses, and even therapy, but all of these tools only gave me temporary results. I still felt empty inside and battling the critical thoughts that would haunt me in silence. 

I had had enough.

One day I started doing deeper research on healing my mind, body, & soul and I came across a concept that changed my life forever.

Feminine Embodiment

This concept was about truly inhabiting your body, which was foreign to me.

As I got into it, I realized that the key to feeling better about myself was dealing with past trauma and emotional wounds that I had never expressed or completed. So, I started to let myself feel and express those emotions through my body.

Each tear shed, each emotion expressed, turned my pain into power. I became wildly devoted to my embodiment journey, finding safety within my own body and liberating myself from  the pain that was triggering the self destructive behaviors.

Along the way I also became a functional nutrition coach and healed my body from all the hormonal and gut health issues the repressed trauma had caused. 

I have now found so much power and wisdom in my body. I feel confident in my expression and in the decisions I make in life. I no longer battle with thoughts that paralyze me with anxiety. I have lost weight and inflammation from releasing the density of the trauma I was holding onto. My hormones are balanced. My body is healthier than ever before.  I feel connected to my soul, my purpose, and who I truly came here to be!

Now, I am on a mission in guiding you to embody a life that feels alive and in alignment with your soul, too! 

 Loving your body and experiencing absolute freedom in life comes when you become Wildly Devoted to your embodiment journey and finally heal the emotional pain that was never addressed or expressed. 

Ready to learn how?



Wildly Devoted

a 13 week journey let go of your limitations, activate your soul's purpose, and come back home to your beautiful body 

Wildly Devoted is not your typical embodiment program. Consider this program a 13 week journey of deep inner work with a side of holistic health healing. 

You will be immersing yourself in an experience to liberate repressed emotions and trauma. At the same time, you'll heal your physical body, addressing the harm that repressed trauma may have inflicted on your hormones and gut health.


Think of this as your one stop shop to healing, creating a soul led life, and feeling absolutely in love with the woman you see in the mirror.

 Are you ready to become Wildly Devoted to your soul's purpose?


Inside of Wildly Devoted you will...

  •  Remove chronic stress and step into peace and ease in life. You will learn how to create safety in your body through hormone healing, gut health healing, and embodiment practices so that you can regulate your nervous system and create more peace in your body.
  • Liberate trauma and unexpressed emotions.  Through the Wildly Devoted Liberation Process, you will learn how to welcome, express, and complete emotions so that you can liberate what's been holding you back from being your best self.
  • Become more sensitive to your inner world. You will learn how to create sensitivity to feelings, emotions, textures, and all the subtle energies that live in your body so that you can understand your intuition, emotional needs, and desires better.  
  • Embody your sensuality and pleasure. As a woman, you are a sensual being with a body that holds and can activate SO much delicious pleasure. You will learn the skills necessary to embody these feminine gifts!
  • Learn about your hormonal cycles. Your hormones are directly tied to your emotions and the energy in your body. You will be learning how to harness your hormonal fluctuations from an empowered place!

The Wildly Devoted Process

Phase 1: Safety

Create safety in the body and in your environment to get yourself out of fight or flight, into rest and digest. Activate more peace and calm in your life. This phase covers holistic hormone healing, cycle syncing, gut health, and mental health which will support the rest of your inner work journey.

Phase 2: Sensitivity

Increase your sensitivity to the internal senses that exist within your body. Learn how to listen to your intuition and master the connection to your physical, mental, emotional, energetic bodies.

Phase 3: Liberation

Release and let go of emotional pain, trauma, and tension in the body. This phase is created to support you in regulating your emotions and connecting with them to understand them better and releasing all that no longer serves you.

Phase 4: Feminine Embodiment 

Connect to your sensuality, self expression, and power as a woman. This phase is created to support you in embracing your pleasure, your power, and your gifts. Get ready to balance your masculine energy and embody your highest Self.

When you join Wildly Devoted you will receive:

1-1 Personal Embodiment Sessions


You will be guided through six 60-90 minute embodiment sessions where you will move through any personal struggles, limiting beliefs, fears, and issues that are arising in real time. These sessions are curated to leave you with a sense of clarity and the next action steps to take with any personal matter in your life. The only tool you will need is your body. 

Intimate Community Calls

The other six calls you will be will be in an intimate container. These calls are to support you in having extra accountability from other women who are doing the deeper work as well. You will also find so many powerful insights by hearing diverse perspectives. Embodiment and inner work can sometimes bring up challenging emotions. Having a community to turn to for emotional support can be invaluable during these times.


Daily Intimate Support 

Not only will you be obtaining support on your 1-1 and community calls, but in between calls you will also get support from Joanna via Slack. Your questions will be answered DAILY. Daily contact allows you to stay consistently focused on your embodiment journey, helping you maintain momentum and devotion to this beautiful journey! 

Bonus Calls and Practices

Joanna will be holding bonus calls for movement classes, extra teachings that the women in the container may need, and extra support along the experience. You will also have an online portal where there will be extra meditations, embodiment practices, and extra resources to support your growth and healing!

You will also receive:


  • BONUS: Gut Health Support. At the beginning of the program you will fill out a questionnaire for  gut support and Joanna will be supporting you with a personalized protocol to follow for the program, depending on your symptoms and what you are experiencing. 

  • BONUS: Hormone Healing. The questionnaire will also have a hormone portion and Joanna will be offering FREE hormone panel readings. You will be in charge of purchasing your own lab panel, and Joanna will give you resources for that. 
  • BONUS: Embodiment/ Movement Classes. Joanna will be guiding you through bonus embodiment and movement classes live and in the online portal to support your journey because MOVEMENT IS MEDICINE.
  • BONUS Monthly Check In Reviews. Each month you will submit a check in so that Joanna can update your hormone, gut health, plan if needed and also so that she is aware of what else is necessary for your ultimate transformation during this journey. 
Apply Here!

*Once you click this button, you’ll be taken directly to the application. You’ll be asked a few questions to see if you’re a good fit and will be given the price of the program. If you're the right fit for Wildly Devoted we'll reach out to you within 48 hours and discuss next steps for enrollment.

Chelsea Norris

The biggest shift I've seen in working with Joanna has been my mental health as a whole. I have been able to calm myself quicker and redirect my thoughts and feelings. I have also learned to be more connected to my body and emotions. Allow myself to feel and give myself the love I deserve!

Greyson Benning

The biggest shift I've seen in working with Joanna has been the compassion I've started to have for myself.

Being able to recognize I am a gentle person that deserves the same tenderness and empathy I give to others. But also recognizing that I am sensual, determined, strong and resilient...and to shed light and give space for each aspect of who I am, whenever it may arise.

Jillian Quiggle

This whole experience with Joanna so far has really taught me that I was living in the masculine 24/7 and that's why I had so much stored energy. Realizing my job environment causes this masculine energy to come out, I really try and flow in my feminine energy on my days off now to balance the days where I'm on the go. It helped me a lot.

Chelsea Green

"She has really helped me feel like I have joy again, direction for my future, for my Self"

Brandi Taylor

"I have never known true inner peace like I do now!"

Jillian Quiggle

"I have been able to experience my body in ways that I have never experienced before!"


Chelsea Green

"She has really helped me feel like I have joy again, direction for my future, for my Self"


Brandi Taylor

"I have never known true inner peace like I do now!"


Jillian Quiggle

"I have been able to experience my body in ways that I have never experienced before!"


Shayna Rogers


l've been following Joanna for 3 years, in those 3 years I always looked up to her seeing as we had similar upbringings and views on the world and spirituality. I finally got to a place within myself to reach out for help and I knew she was the one I wanted to reach out to. I had a few calls set up with her and something always came up but then came a time when I KNEW I had to make this call happen and finally meet this girl one on one. Before our call I was feeling stressed, overwhelmed, and mostly anxious because I've never put myself and feelings out there to someone I didn't know. The first 10 minutes I could feel it in my soul this is right where I needed to be, with her. The call went SO amazing!

Afterwards I felt like a huge brick was lifted off me. She showed me that I CAN shut my mind off from all the "bad" thoughts and get to a place of relaxation.

Since our call I've been on a journey of wanting to better myself, I want to get back into journaling, meditating, and just overall loving myself, Joanna gave me that spark back! I love when she checks in with me, I know I can be vulnerable and she will help me through whatever I need. She is just the best and I would recommend her to every single person on this planet if I could. She is truly magic.


Victoria Rachoza


Before my Zoom call with Joanna, I felt anxious, and I carried a lot of guilt and regret around with me. After the call, I felt more at peace with myself. This woman is magic! I was able to let out and feel all of the emotions I had bottled up inside me.

From crying to punching my pillow.. we went through it all. I have never been one to let myself open up in that way before and especially not in front of someone. Joanna made me feel so comfortable and loved.

She's truly passionate and gifted in what she does. I am more comfortable expressing my emotions and becoming more intimate with them. I could not believe the difference it made in my life after just one session. I will definitely be working with her more, and I couldn't be more excited to see what else we can accomplish together!

Alicia Montoya


After completing my 1:1 with Joa, I have created my dream life into a reality which now is reflecting in how I nourish myself. I had to address my primary stressors (stored traumas, unfavorable habits, and stressful job) in order to now willingly choose a healthier lifestyle. I NOW respect my body, I finally love her and accept this stage she is in. I lost shame in being overweight because I had to understand why my body needed the extra insulation to feel safe from the trauma and excess stress she has been through. I now have such peace in my heart on creating this new lifestyle focused on nourishing myself. I understand it will take time and patience integrating this lifestyle just as releasing my primary stressors did. This is what it means to feel safe in your body to be able to live life fully and authentically.

Amanda Edwards


"Mentally physically and spiritually I am an entire different person since working with Joanna. I didn't even know getting to a place like where I am today was even possible. Where I am now wasnt even a goal cause I didn't know a place like this existed. So I truly from the bottom of my heart couldn't thank Joanna enough. She's taught me lessons that I will use every single day for the rest of my life. I have surpassed the "light at the end of the tunnel"

The body is just a bonus. My mental health is so much more important to me! Never thought I would say that. I was always so caught up in looks and proving myself to others. Not anymore."

Gut Health and Hormone Healing Client Testimonials

 These photos are from when Joanna was doing health coaching with a side of embodiment in 2021. Now it's time to do embodiment coaching with a side off holistic health ;) 

Close your eyes.

Take 3 deep breaths. 

Envision the woman that you will be in a short

13 weeks after you complete this program.

What do you feel, sense, see?

Ready to make that your reality?

Don't let fear keep you in your comfort zone. 

Remember, transformation lies soon the other side of the discomfort you allow yourself to


Let's do this!




Apply Here!

*Once you click this button, you’ll be taken directly to the application. You’ll be asked a few questions to see if you’re a good fit and will be given the price of the program. If you're the right fit for Wildly Devoted, we'll reach out to you within 48 hours and discuss next steps for enrollment.